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Front Office Operation

Standard Operation Procedure

Hotel front office operation introduces a practical approach to hotel SOP and examines the hotel front office management method based on the standard operating procedure of room sales and the author's field experience. Through the practical theory of hotel front office operation, the basic and overall contents of the hotel front SOP practice can be understood as follows. It deals with hotel front ..
Hotel front office operation introduces a practical approach to hotel SOP and examines the hotel front office management method based on the standard operating procedure of room sales and the author's field experience. Through the practical theory of hotel front office operation, the basic and overall contents of the hotel front SOP practice can be understood as follows. It deals with hotel front office overview, hotel characteristics and form, hotel room composition and work by department, understanding hotel lobby promotional ambassadors, hotel room reservation service work, hotel room front, hotel housekeeping and standard operating procedures.
극동대학교 경영호텔학부장 (글로벌호텔경영학과)
극동대학교 국제협력처장
힐트호텔 (시드니) MICE, GRO
힐트호텔 (홍콩) Marketing, GRO
하얏트호텔(동경) 객실팀, GRO

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