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Customer Relationship Management

Service Encounter

The theory of service relationship management represents a dynamic and multifaceted framework that integrates various dimensions of organizational strategy and customer-centricity. At its core, this theoretical paradigm encompasses a comprehensive understanding of service, a relentless focus on customer satisfaction, and the pivotal roles of leadership, followership, empowerment, customer relatio..
The theory of service relationship management represents a dynamic and multifaceted framework that integrates various dimensions of organizational strategy and customer-centricity. At its core, this theoretical paradigm encompasses a comprehensive understanding of service, a relentless focus on customer satisfaction, and the pivotal roles of leadership, followership, empowerment, customer relationships, and service orientation in orchestrating exceptional service experiences.
관광학박사 (호텔경영 전공)
극동대학교 경영호텔대학부장
극동대학교 글로벌호텔경영학과장
극동대학교 국제협력처장
하얏트호텔 (동경)
하얏트호텔 (서울)
힐튼호텔 (시드니)
힐튼호텔 (홍콩)

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